McIntosh 2100

what do you guys think of the McIntosh 2100 to run vandy 2ce sig II there is one in my area for 500.00 i think i could offer 4 and have it. do you tink that 105 rms is enough power and i have heard that it actually peaks higher than its rating.
ok thats cool. . i think the guy might have been offended at my offer since it was a bit lower than the 500 should i write him back and go 450 or just buy it for 500? the logo is broke on it and he says the fins are a bit dented but still works fine according to him. also what do yopu think of the MC7100
ps what preamp do you recomend. . i have heard tubes are good but honestly i wanna stay away from costly tubes i was thinking about a passive pre like the TLC-1. .
Mcintosh Mc-2100!! Get it !

I sold mostly my gears except Mc-2100 & c-15 pre.
I have mine for almost 3 years now and love it.

Tube pre-amp....If you can afford Cary SLp-98L

These will a perfect combo!! ( sold mine recently & will buy again when time forgiven ).

Good luck.pescolar
yeah sounds awesome but the gentleman will not talk to me about the amp. I am now considering a nakamichi PA-7 or a PA-5 mkii. two pa-5 mkii actually. there is on in my area and one on ebay i think two running in mono will sound awesome what do you guys think?
I think that you should hold out and look for another Mac. They come around frequently. I don't think there is a substitute. I used a Morrisson Elad Pre for years and it was great, but the Joule Electra I'm using now is better.