Amplifier progression and change

I have Harbeth SHL-5s with vintage Accuphase P-300/C-200 amps. It's a nice combination, but I'm thinking of updating the amplifier with a smaller newer integrated, but is it that easy? My question is this: will new amps from companies such as Blue Circle, Plinius, Luxman, LFD, Accuphase, etc. clearly blow away 35 year old Accuphase separates? Have enough advances been made that a new $2000 - $4000 integrated can best an old amp that was built nearly with a cost-no-object standard? Whether solid state or tube, what would one have to spend to get an amp that is head and shoulders above the P-300/C-200? Thanks!
"My question is this: will new amps from companies such as Blue Circle, Plinius, Luxman, LFD, Accuphase, etc. clearly blow away 35 year old Accuphase separates?"

Maybe, but do NOT be sure about that, as always, LISTEN BEFORE BUYING in your own setup is very VERY important.
I think 35 year old amps with replaced capacitors, etc can be every bit as good as "modern" gear, but I do think a move to tubes would be an improvement, even if your amps were 2 years old. That being said, if you want to keep the simplicity of SS, I think the Luxman that Clio9 recommends would be very good indeed.
If you live with only 2 sources and no remote, I'd check out the Burson integrated.
I just got the older model and it is stunning. I can't believe it but from what I've read, the newer model is even better sounding.
Chech out Rogue Audio Cronus integrated,that will get your foot in the door for under 2k,it is a 50 watt tube unit that will make your Harbeths sing.My friend has a 50 watt Rogue power amp driving Spendors and they sound great!