Atma Sphere deserves praise

In the last 6 months Atma Sphere released a revision to their MK III designation to MK III.1. It amounted to a small part change and I think the resulting cost was less than $500. In my system, and in other's judging by recent posts, it was a very worthwhile improvement. Not only was an upgrade path available, but the cost was very reasonable.

Do you think other manufacturers that release "new" product updates every 12-18 months, or worse new products because there is no upgrade path are simply offering design breakthroughs? Or is this just running a successful business?

I think they hurt their current customers by devaluing their "old" equipment on the used market, and causing them to scurry like ants for the latest new stuff.
mmike84 does Angelina Jolie, but since I'm not going to have either of them, it's kind of academic.
Atma Sphere deserves praise indeed. Making affordable upgrades to existing products available to owners says volumes about how a company views its customers.

Contrast Transparent Audio's brilliant marketing plan. They introduce a new cable upgrade, say MM1 to MM2 but price it the same as the previous model. That's great for new buyers of MM2 cables but it significantly depresses the resale value of the MM1 version. So if you happen to own MM1 cables and want to upgrade or change them, you have to either sell them at their reduced value or participate in Transparent's very costly upgrade program. Not so subtle coercion.

I will only purchase equipment from companies that try to enhance or sustain their product's value and not actively manipulate it to coerce another sale.

I agree except you need to stress the fact the MM1 wasn't worth it in the first place so what's the point in switching to MM2? $20,000 cables what a bunch of silliness.

AR is another one that doesn't seem too concerned about it's existing customers, unless they're willing to chase the newest revision. I can't even keep track they have so many versions and mk's.
Mmike84, I dod see what you are saying about ARC, and it can be quite annoying to own a MKii when a MKiii comes out, but when they can, they have provided an upgrade option (not always possible), but in spite of that, they do make good sounding equipment and have provided support for there products about as well as anyone. But I can see some skepticism can creep when thinking about the number and frequency of updates, espcially with amps and preamps where good design has been well know for a long time now. Digital is another story.
Do you think other manufacturers that release "new" product updates every 12-18 months, or worse new products because there is no upgrade path are simply offering design breakthroughs? Or is this just running a successful business?

There is something to be said for point-to-point wiring and the absence of printed circuit boards for ease of upgrade. Hand built components may have more upfront costs, especially if the manufacturer treats his employees proper. Designs that cannot be upgraded may deliver their cost savings up-front. Different manufacturers take different approaches, something perhaps better considered when you make a purchase than afterward.

Fwiw, I respectfully disagree with the above comment about AR (if that means Audio Research Corp..) To support customers of both new and used gear, they maintain a substantial tube catalog that goes well back in time. That doesn't sound like planned obsolescence to me.

The wheel of progress grinds fine and over time the chaff falls out. I want successful audio companies to stay in business and prefer manufacturers who actively seek to improve their products, whether by leaps or evolution. Without new models and upgrades, the high end is a dead end.