Atma Sphere deserves praise

In the last 6 months Atma Sphere released a revision to their MK III designation to MK III.1. It amounted to a small part change and I think the resulting cost was less than $500. In my system, and in other's judging by recent posts, it was a very worthwhile improvement. Not only was an upgrade path available, but the cost was very reasonable.

Do you think other manufacturers that release "new" product updates every 12-18 months, or worse new products because there is no upgrade path are simply offering design breakthroughs? Or is this just running a successful business?

I think they hurt their current customers by devaluing their "old" equipment on the used market, and causing them to scurry like ants for the latest new stuff.
"As for Ralph, anyone who grooves on Porcupine Tree is okay by me."

Interesting you mention this group as I just saw them in Orlando this past Friday with very little familiarity with their music, a friend had an extra ticket.
Agree with Magfan. The level of personal service outlined in the above posts is certainly important but equally important IMO are mfrs that offer upgrades to existing equipment for cost of the work plus a modest fee (the key word being modest. Some upgrades I have seen offered to bring existing equipment up to present models are exhorbitant).

Mfrs. that offer reasonable upgrade paths may be able to retain some clients for life.

I'm not a spokesperson for Ayre, but when they charge $200 (incredibly reasonable, IMO) to bring a CD player to current status it only brings good will at the very least and perhaps future loyalty from their previous customers. Ultimately, it makes good business sense.

I have to add my voice in praise of AtmaSphere service. I recently got the upgrade to 3.1, definitely worthwhile, didn't take too long. Since the AtmaSpheres don't have heavy output transformers, they are lightweight - lighter than many solid state amps, so no 3 man crew required to pack and ship.
I felt it absolutely incumbent upon me to resurrect this thread and extol the virtues of Atma-Sphere and Ralph Karsten! Recently, I shipped four MA-1 Silver Editions for upgrade to current Mk. III.3 status.
After exchanging e-mails with Ralph, I decided to opt for the Power Supply Boost with one pair of monoblocks. The other pair of monoblocks already featured the Caddock resistor package. The intent was to drive the ribbon sections of my Dali MegaLine III loudspeakers with the amps which already had the Caddocks installed and to drive the mid-woofer sections with the amps with the Power Supply Boost option.
It wasn’t in my budget for the Power Supply Boost option in both pairs of MA-1 Silver Editions nor the Caddock resistor package in the pair which hadn’t already featured it.

So, I’m reading this e-mail from Ralph and he makes an allusion to upgrading my amps. I read further and am nonplussed. Atma-Sphere and Ralph Karsten have upgraded one pair of amps with the Power Supply Boost and one pair of amps with the Caddock resistor package at no charge!
Well, if Atma-Sphere and Ralph Karsten didn’t favor me with a grand and magnanimous gesture! I am now in sonic bliss listening to two pairs of MA-1 Silver Edition Mk. III.3 monoblocks with both pairs featuring the Power Supply Boost and Caddock resistor package.
Certainly, exemplary customer support and stalwart of the high-end. Ralph, the MegaLines are singing and I cannot commend you and Atma-Sphere highly enough.


I unfortunately don’t own any of Ralph’s great products, yet, but his technical contributions to this community are truly appreciated. I’ve learned a lot by just reading his posts and owe him a debt of gratitude. A real class act.