Emotiva vs. some bigger boys

I have just ordered a Emotiva 3 channel amp after testing it against a few better known models. Here's the short story...

My recent gear....Manley Stingray II, Def Tech BP7004 speakers for theater, Magnepan 1.6, Odyssey Stratos, Rogue Metis pre, Rotel 1090, MJ Acoustics Sub, SVS sub...and so on! I typically spend 7-10K on a system and I like to call that the low end of high end....

My buddy bought my latest set of Magnepans 1.6's which were modded with better stands (I'm waiting for my new Merlin TSM-XMr's to mate with my new Stingray II) and he also has the Odyssey/Rogue combo, which he bought after he heard mine. Other speakers in the room: Revel M20's and an old pair of Proac floor standers-not sure of the model.

The amps were the XPA-3 and the XPA-2. Most of the listening was done with the Metis by Rogue.

I'll cut right to it. Both Emotiva amps had less than 100 hours on them and both sounded better than the Rotel 1090 for dynamics, detail and soundstage. Bass was stronger on the Emotiva, but we also thought the Rotel's bass was a bit more true and quick. Space around single instruments was superior on the Emotiva XP3, open and very lifelike. But on some recordings the Emotiva was a tad too bright and in those cases I may have chosen the Rotel for extended listening. Still, with a fine recording, such Lyle Lovett Pontiac, we both agreed the Emotiva was superior to the Rotel.
Next up was the Odyssey, which matches beautifully with the Rogue pre. This was a MUCH closer contest. The Odyssey is well broken in and has a dry accurate bass response that is very hard to beat, better than on some FAR more expensive amps in fact. The Emotiva had a slight edge in the upper midrange, but the Odyssey seemed to offer a smidge more resolution/detail. It was very close. On the Proacs we couldn't even hear much of a difference, but the Magnepans exposed the character of both amps more.
Just to be "complete" we tried my new Manley Stingray II, which is not broken in at under 60 hours. The Stingray could not control dynamics as well as the big amps, but vocals and single instruments were far more "real" and "in the room" sounding. We still felt that the Emotiva would not make music lovers unhappy, especially if mated with a nice tube preamp.
Pitting the 3 channel XP3 against it's more powerful 2 channel sister, we noted very little difference. The 2 channel version MIGHT have created a deeper soundstage, but we were getting sleepy and running out of ear power!

I was seeking a used amp in the 2000 dollar range to run my theater, but I have ordered a XPA-3 instead. I will most probably add the 2 channel or monoblocks from Emotiva next. For home theater these are VERY serious amps that give up nothing or very little against pricier stuff. The bonus is that they can be quite musical. With their higher power they even will eclipse some gear that costs more. For example, I've listened to a lot of Bryston gear and I think the Emotiva amps are more musical...and that was with a very low cost Rogue preamp.

So that's my review and opinion. I will post a follow up review when I have the Merlins. I'm very curious to see how the Emotiva will sound on them vs. the far more expensive Stingray. I don't expect the Emotiva to ever be as sweet sounding, but I suspect it will be more dynamic and fun for certain recordings.


I was thinking of concise way to describe the W4S -- if you took the best off SS and tubes and rolled & it into one amp, one such amp would be called Wyred 4 Sound.

An afterthought: I went back and listened again to the W4S and have finally decided that the W4S is where I want to hang my hat. Its the definite winner of the 2 in my mind....
Seems like there are a lot of cheerleaders waiving around their pom poms for W4S. I hope they are happy customers and not company plants trying to build a reputation on these forums. A noticable pattern. It is interesting how the comments seem a little too similar as you read through these threads. I smell salesmen. Im going to buy a used W4$. Im going to put it up against a bunch of different amps. Good or bad the truth shall be known........
I'm no salesman and I actually prefer several amps to the W4S, including the Odyssey Stratos.
BUT....that's not to say that the W4S is a poor amp. It's excellent and my preference for other amps are not related to anything about the W4S that should be contrued as any more than a choice based on "taste."
Keep in mind that comments on amps are among the most highly suspect as it takes a variety of associated components to truly determine an amp's "quality" and "character."


very interesting comments. i have used the top of the line emotiva products for 2 years now. there are many electronics that best it obviously. my opinion is based on criteria. i wanted power, quality build and good sound. i bought the 3 pieces [amp,pre,cd] for 1300 dollars during their sales with free shipping. to buy anything better would have doubled the price in my opinion. i am on a budget and emotiva is a good company. the problem in high end audio is this hyping/presenting products to be something they are not. emotiva is good reliable gear for mid fi enthusiasts. it can work with some high end gear but it is not state of the art by any means.
It is starting to seem that the Emotiva may be one of the best products at its price range. I am considering the processor and multi ch amp for my wife's home theater.

I have only heard a couple bad things when asking about Emotiva. One is the distance between speaker terminals on the Mono. What the heck were they thinking. 13 inches? I know people who pay over a grand for their speaker cables that are useless if they were to buy this amp. Emo really needs to resolve this.

The other bad thing. A reviewer stated that the LED sensitivy was very different on his two mono amps. Hopefully not a by product of the cheap chinese outsourcing but it probably is. The chinese have even knocked PSB down a peg. Shame.

The Emotiva speakers look very well built. I would like to hear more about them too.