Why can’t “Side A” and “Side B” be a bigger font?!?!

Anyone else constantly annoyed playing “Where’s Waldo?” on the label of an album trying to find the right side to play first?  I’m 45 and it’s only gonna get worse as my eyes go.

First world problem, I know…


Although the majority of records don't technically have a "first side" and a "second side", there are certainly some that do, such as symphonies and operas.

You could buy small adhesive coloured dots and place one on the first side.

No problem, streaming is here, no two sides and the album photos can be enlarged on your iPad while playing. 

Hey the prices for new records are way up.  But they can’t fix a simple problem like this?  What’s the story?  🤔

Yes, I totally agree with you and have this problem often when playing records - I have to take the record into a brighter room to see what the sides are! And some records don't have the sides listed at all.... 

@tony1954  - As for technically records not having a 'first side' or 'second side', that's like saying there is no particular running order for the songs; there is usually a great deal of effort by all in determining running order/sequencing of songs. Might not matter for streamers but it does for most vinyl enthusiasts, I'd think. 


I spent 50+ years listening to records and although I do agree with there being a decision by the artist/producer regarding the sequencing of the songs on an individual record side, I don't think that they think of a record as having a "part one" and "part two". More likely they design each side as an individual music experience.