Preamp for Magnepan

I'm planning on getting Magnepan 1.7s.
I have a strong, clean power amp to drive them, but I need advice on a preamp please.
1. Make and model recommendations
2. tube vs. solid state and why

thanks, Steve
Go tubed pre.

What is your budget?

Audio Reasearch is what I have heard on them.
Maggie's always seem to be paired with AR stuff, but that's when both the pre and the amp are AR. If you're going with a SS amp (especially if it is a Bryston, which can be pretty dry) then I would suggest a pre that adds a more spacious (tubey) presentation that the AR's.
They where hardly ever mated with the AR amps. Bryston 95% of the time I went in there.
tubed preamp: i like the spaciousness + quiet + phonostage of my mfa magus a-2. (it's for sale but if unsold i'll continue using it in my main setup another 20 years. i don't feel compelled to buy anything new, just testing the waters. it replaced a noisy c-j i had had 11 years.