Best preamp for $1000 or less with remote

I'm looking for the best preamp in the price range of $1000 or less to go with my Emotiva XPA-2 power amp; the preamp must have a remote for volume control. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm willing to go more than $1000 on a preamp that might be worth the extra money. Thanks, Bob
First of all,"best" is in the eye/ear of the beholder.No one can tell you what's best for you.If they say they can,they are full of crap.That being said,why not try an Emotiva preamp?It's a fair assumption they are made to work together.Just a thought.Good luck.
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Used Adcom GFP 750, which was an exceptional value new...and at about $700 used, even more so now. Being domestic and therefore easily serviceable is a plus. Very neutral preamp...check reviews. Stereophile Class A for the 2 cents that is worth. It has balanced outputs also, which is nice...unusual at its price point. Can be switched to passive for unadulterated sound if not listening loud.
If you do not want to add color (some people love it) to your amp, try Bryston 60. It is an integrated amp, but it has output from Preamp section. I have used it with Cary SLA-30 amp and I loved it. You can find one in Ebay at $ 600-1200, if you are lucky. This integrated amp itself is a wonderful amp, if 60W is enough for your system.