McIntosh MA2275 int tube Amp...OPINIONS PLEASE

HI any owners ? need input on ma2275.
If it sounds anything like my McIntosh MC 275 MK V, I'd say you should be quite happy. Plus, I like the fact that it's American made.... Mac gear has a reputation for being dependable.... Mac has outstanding customer support, and resale value is second to none.

What speakers do you plan to use with it?
I own and have used an MA2275 for the past 3 years to drive B&W 805s's in my anchor system. Other than an incident with a static discharge (always ground yourself before plugging headphones during the winter when you live in New England) it has been totally reliable and sounds excellent. I chose the 2275 over the the C220/MC275 combo due to the all tube signal path including the phono preamp and elimination of amp/preamp interconnects in the amplification chain. The current tube complement consists of Sovtek 12AX7LPS'S in the phono preamp,Mullard CV4024 drivers, re-isssue Mullard 12AX7's in the tone amp and re-issue Tungsol 6550 output tubes (however I have a set of re-issue Gold Lion KT88's to try when I get some time to play). This amp is where I go when I get tired of playing with various components and just want to listen to very high quality music. Highly Recommended!