has anyone heard both Bel Canto and W4S amps?

Currently have a Bel Canto S300, looking to switch to the Wyred 4 Sound ST500. I don't know too much about class-D, but they seem to both have the B&O ICEpower modules. The S300 is 150w into 8 ohms, and the ST500 is 250.

What I'm wondering is, will this be an upgrade or more of a side-grade? I dont necessarily need more power since my room is relatively small, just wondering if the W4S will provide any sonic improvements over the S300.

Has anyone heard both and can comment? Thanks
Search the forums as I have read where a few members have compared the two. Just do a search under " Class D amps"
I'm guessing more of a sideways move, at least if used with a SS pre-amp.

The 60K input impedance of the Wyred compared to 10K on that particular Bel Canto unit might benefit if you are using a tube pre-amp.
Koven - I have Rowland 102 based on the same module (200ASC) as Bel Canto S300 (or M300). It is 100W@8ohm and not 150W. Bel Canto rates it 150W but at 10% distortions. Icepower modules have pretty low input impedance (10k). Rowland uses THAT1200 instrumentation amp on separate tiny board to increase impedance to 40k. Other companies might use transformer (some distortions but at low frequencies). W4S has great reviews but 2x more power is only 22% louder.

Largest Icepower modules 500W/1000W (1000ASP) have (according to reviews) more focused/coherent but less airy sound (Bel Canto Ref1000) than smallest 100W/200W module (Bel Canto S300). It might be related to stronger/heftier supply and lower bandwidth because of lower carrier frequency (bigger Mosfets are slower).