Just got Audible Illusions L1, but it sound harsh

I just got a Audible Illusions L1 preamp to replace my Rotel RC 1070. I can hear it is much more detail, it sounds more forward and bigger sound stage. But I also found it too harsh. Especially in vocal, the "s" sound is very loud and quite alloying. I don't have it in my RC 1070, but at the same time, it doesn't sound as musical. It is just like sing behind a curtain. I don't hear that detail, but also, those annoying "s" sound is "filter" out. Is it a characteristic of this preamp? Is there any thing I can do? I am using a Rotel RB 1080 amp. Should I try another preamp? Or try another amp?
The pre-amp has been running for an hour
Gte357s (Threads | Answers)

1 hour is not enough time to start doing critical listening. Your preamp and cables need more time than that to settle in before you make judgements. Give it at least a couple days then if still necessary start thinking about tweaking things.
The piece of gear in question is about 10 years ago, how much more is it going to settle in?
Face, any component and the associated cables need time to settle in. 1 hour? Not enough imo. Is 1 hour adequate for you to start making assumptions about performance? At minimum I wouldn't conclude anything for at least 24 hrs after putting new (used) gear in my rig.
Whatever you do DONT buy tubes on ebay.Go to Brent Jessie,Tubestore,Upscale etc etc.Cat must be crazy but theres all kinds here,YMMV,Bob
Everyone forgot one thing. Turn off your preamp and clean the pins of the tubes. Use an exacto knife and then clean with a contact enhancer or alcohol. Shake dry then re-insert tubes. Turn the unit on and let it sit for about 15 to 30 minutes. Test tubes! Try some different ECC88 / E88CC / 6DJ8 / 6922 / E188CC / 7308 / CCa / E288CC / 8223 tubes. You may want to check your music store(s) for some of these tubes so you won't have to wait for them to arrive.
Last, check to see if the unit has been modified, etc. There are some parts swappers out there that will make changes and won't tell you. One other thing. . . take it to a local dealer for audiophile friend that has some tubes and listen to it there.
The preamp should not have any brightness or extra sibilance in it's sound. That's not an Audible Illusions trademark. If all fails that unit is defective!!!!
Good Luck