Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII or Accuphase A-20

HI, I've recently got a Squeezebox Touch that feeds to a Havana DAC. I am thinking of either upgrade to the MkII for the Bel Canto Ref1000 monoblocks or get an Accuphase A-20.

For people who have auditioned the MKII and/or the Accuphase A-20, what would you recommend? Thanks.
Right, the speakers are 8ohms Totem Forests and the living room is around 10x10 meters. I recently found that running amp-direct from Havana to Bel Canto sounds really amazing where volume control can be done on the Squeezebox (though it need to be keft at 70+ with an attenuator for best results).
Hello ,

Never heard he accuphase a-20 , but we did compare the Bel canto to a Threshold s500 series 2 and the threshold was better sounding to the group including the owner of the Bel canto. Speakers used were Maggies 1.6 .

Thanks for the reply. It looks like Threshold s500 is Class A/AB and so I guess it leans more towards the Accuphase side as far as topology is concerned.

I wonder how is the MkII in comparison to Class A amps...
Metronet, you can conduct a valid comparison of Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mk.2 against one particular class A amp, but a generic comparison of a single class D amp against the entire class A group is not possible. . . there are enormous differences between individual amps in any particular class, and there are sonic overlaps between classes. It is likely that you would find Ref 1000 Mk.2 more pleasing than some class A amps, and less pleasing than other ones. .

I have not listened to the Accuphase A-20 amp, but I have reviewed the Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mk.2 for Positive Feedback. See:

Hope this helps, Guido