Aesthetix Calypso Signature vs. ARC REF 3

I am curious if anyone has made a comparision between these two pre-amps. How would you describe the differences?
Sonic as well as build quality, maybe last pre-amp I buy.
I was not impressed with build quality on calypso. Seemed a bit flimsy to me. Have not ever used any ar equipment but believe it is higher grade.
Swanny... I may be biased as a long time Calypso owner, but, I've owned a lot of gear over the last decade, and I've found the Calypso to have exceptional build quality. It's a rock solid piece, and with the right tubes, it sounds great.
I agree w/Swanny76109..Didnt like the build quality..and its too cameleon like changing its sound from tube to tube..I prefer a pre that doesnt wave in the wind with different tubes