Zu speakers with Atma-Sphere M60 amplifiers

I own the latest version of the Atma-Sphere M60 amplifiers. Arriving soon are a pair of Zu Definition speakers. Does anyone here have any experience driving the Definitions with the Atma-Sphere M60 amps. Observations are most welcome. I am given to understand the Definitions are approximately 6 ohms. I'm hopeful this will still work satisfactorily.
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M60's (HOT) in Canada will work just fine with Zu speakers but here in FL. the S30 will have to do.

The AS/Zu combo will be a treat to hear everytime you fire them up.

Read the thread again; Ralph preferred the M60s with the Druids, not the S30. Not sure how that corresponds with the respective output impedances. I agree with you that the science says the S30 would be better with the Druid, but his statement seems to contradict that. Maybe the extra power and headroom overcome the effect of the impedance mismatch.

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as an aside, I have heard the Pass X-30.5 isn't a perfect power match with Definitions as well. perhaps it's related.