thanks for the insight
that's along the two ends of the spectrum I was looking at
The cartridge/table is a very good synergy
Gavia Galibrier / Tripaner / ZYX Universe
many Galibier owners have this combo and it is stellar
and has always been great synergy with my more 'lower end rolled off" ARC LS5 and Dodd preamp
The Doshi plays fabulously at modest to mid high volumes and just glorious on cds. It is a step attenuator so it takes a while for the volume to ramp up on analog
I like to hear subtle things and therefore play analog at louder volumes from time to time getting the speaker cone movement
my previous preamp didn't go that low frequency wise
and a second preamp with very low frequency did the same thing
so yes sounds like subsonic problems
rumble or clipping
could be some of both
not sure I want to filter it - and if the amp which only balks at higher volumes is clipping, I can try more power with a different amp
unfortunately my second amp a Bat vk600se is at a friends 1200 miles away. Perhaps Richard Gray, our local superman electronics guy in New Orleans can lend me something for a while