VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks

Has anybody compared VAC Phi 301 stereo with two VAC Phi 200 as monoblocks?

I have a large room with 87 db Avalons and like to listen to full orchestral music.
Franzschubert, Did you compare 300.1 mono to 200 mono? What speakers were you using in the comparison?
Yes. I did various comparisons. I had one 300.1 and one 200, and my speakers are Avalon Ascent II.

Listening to them in Mono (one speaker only) the 300 was warmer, richer and more forgiving of sibilance. The 200 was more detailed and vivid.

Then I used them as (asymmetrical) monoblocks, adjusting the higher gain of the 300 with its controller. This produced the deepest holographic soundstage I have ever heard with a gorgeous textured base. This must be close to what 2 300's as monoblocks must be like ?!!?

Fplanner2010 the difference between a 300.1 and Cognac is that the 300.1 does not give you a headache.
Franzschubert Please tell us what the other components are in your system. Thanks
AMR CD 77 as source
Music First Audio (silver wire) TVC as preamp
Cardas IC's and speaker cables (tri-wired)
If it is the older cardas their cables are for sure on the warm side of nuetral.