Under $10k budget Preamp suggestion, please.

I'm upgrading my system and considering next preamp right now in this budget. If possible, I'd like to find ones having retail price around $5-8k. Here's my setup

Transport: Hiend music server using Digital balanced + Superclock as master
D/A: Esoteric D-05 slave to transport
Pre: Considering here.....
Power: Spectral DMA 180 (May change later)
Speaker: Rockport Ankaa

I'm considering Karan KA L at the moment since I couldn't think of better alternatives right now. I feel my system needs a bit more lower frequency for suitable tonal balance because D-05 has inferior bass comparing to Alpha DAC which almost fits in my system.
Hey Windowsx,

Well, since you wrote "I personally prefer fully balanced solid state preamps ...", I can recommend either a new Ayre K-5xe-mp preamp, or if you wish to get slightly better sonics, a used Ayre K-1xe preamp. (The K-1xe has the added benefit of an excellent, albeit optional, set of phono boards. These phono boards are near reference quality, IMHO, and a major reason why I bought the K-1xe.)

The build quality of Ayre products are top notch, and the sonics are fantastic. (Read any of the reviews of either preamp, and you'll be impressed, especially by the reviews of the K-1xe.)

The Both Ayre preamps have remote controls, albeit while the K-5xe-mp has a full function remote, the K-1xe has a fairly basic one, that only controls the volume and muting.

A couple of caveats:

1. I own the K-1xe myself, (and have for about 6 years).
So, take my recommendation with however many grains of salt you like!

2. The 1-series of equipment, including the K-1xe preamp has just recently, (as in the past month), been discontinued by Ayre. (So this means the prices will probably start coming down.) Used, they tend to go for around $3-4K, depending on whether they have the phono boards, and which version it is.

3. Ayre products are known to sound better via balanced connections than via single ended connections. So if you do use them, make sure that your primary sources do use balanced outputs. (The K-1xe has six inputs, 3 balanced and 3 single ended, and I use all six of them, with my primary ones, (phono, CD and SACD), being connected via XLR cables.)

Good Luck in your search.
I used to consider Ayre for a change but when I tried K-5XE in my system, it lacks synergy for bass reproduction. However, reading all replies here giving me some thoughts for actual upgrade now. Thanks everyone.
The anti-passive nuts may come out of the woodwork but you have a great setup to try it on. A Placette or one of Jeffrey Jackson's transformer based units would work well. Unless you need the gain you are better off without the coloration of the active preamp. Cheap enough to try and why spend $5-8K when you can get better results much cheaper, that is unless you are one equates more money with better sound.

For solid state then I would have to recommend one of Stan Klyne's series 6 or 7 if you need balanced inputs and outputs.
Well the question here really is which pre-amp is best for your needs. As has been said many times before, if you're going to use a ss amp, then add some balance with a tube pre-amp (eg: Hovland HP100) or if you're running tube amps, add a ss pre-amp, however based on your need for more low frequency oomph, at your budget level take a look at Nelson Pass's statement pre-amp X0.2. That is a serious 3-chassis reference pre-amp. There is one for sale right now on AG for $4200 that can't be more than 18 months old. That is a $10k retail pre to be had at a bargain.