Thanks.. as always, good thoughts.
That’s looking more and more like my particular issue… eyes free operation with sort of high eff speakers.
It’s difficult for us mere mortals to be as enlightened as brother Bill is… or as comedic and endearing.
Here’s another term to boggle Google with… “sand amplification” check out how many of those 1.6 Gigazillion results match up. Sheeshhh.
(another one is coming up soon, so keep the Google engine handy)
Were it put like this things might make more sense even to the sensless…
“Does SS cost more for quality sound with more eff speakers to recreate?”
… as that looks like a case for a better debate.
Otherwise it’s as was said by a few that the amp + speaker connection is key and that Sand fits most often best with lesser eff units, and tubes apply best to mo’ eff squeakers.
Fine. Got it. Got it a long time ago in fact… so how about now. How about applying sand amps instead of hollow those squeakers above the Mendosa line, of say, 91 - 92db?
For the sports trivia challenged, the Mendoza line is a .250 batting average… wherein one can still make millions in MLB, but is a minimal gbatting production stat for most all players other than pitchers.
Sometimes I forget that some folks sneer and jeer at those things they aren’t familiar with immediately as they lack an open mind or wider spread exp than purely audio interests.