NOS Tubes for Rogue Tempest II

Looking for some suggestions replacing the stock tubes. I want a little more transparency or pop yet retaining overall smoothness and good bass. I want to start with the 12AX7's and the 6SN7's first. I was told the Sylvania 6SN7 GTB would be a good one but there are several versions so I am a little confused. Also the same with the 12AX7 what is a good value without breaking the bank.
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Tubes choices are a very personal thing. For someone to say what will be best for you is almost impossible. I personally like NOS tubes best. But it is time consuming and expensive to find out what you like best. I can't help much with the 6SN7 but the 12AX7's have some nice tubes to choose from. For NOS I like the German tubes a lot. But that's me. New production tubes I really like the TJ full music tubes. I didn't like the new Tunsol gold pins very much. They lack clarity in my system. If you decide to go after NOS I would suggest you get your tubes from somebody that is trustworthy. Tube rolling can be fun. But be warned once you start! Anyway have fun.
I have a rogue stereo 90 and run ge 6sn7 gta's. Those and ge 12ax7's. I tried mullard and telefunken 12ax7's and didn't care for them (either too forward or too lean compared to the ge's).
Like Detredwings stated above,tube choice is a very personal subject.That being said,in my Tempest II Magnum,I have found that I prefer NOS Amperex 7025 in place of the 12AX7's, NOS Sylvania JAN 6SN7 WGTA's and Gold Lion KT-88 power tubes.Try some different tubes and find some you really like then stock up on them.NOS tubes are getting scarcer and pricier as we speak!!Good luck.
For starters I have some NOS Sylvania 6SN7 GTB (tall) green labels coming soon. These were very reasonably priced and suppossed to be very musical. I might try some TungSol tall which are recommended also.