Name the tube amp in the Lexus commercial

I just saw a Lexus commercial tonight that featured a tube amp and the commentary "...this produces frequencies that only a dog can hear.." Can anyone identify the amp in the ad?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Lacee I got to think that musicians would have excellant electronics and speakers in their stereo systems;I would think they would want the best sound that can be obtained unless they have a full studio like David Gilmour then they probally don't need a main system.I remember many many years ago stereophile did a system Fabio had and it was to me at the time one that people with financial means would put togther krell amps,huge martin logan speakers specially made for him and I always thought that must reproduce the music perfectly.I wished they had done more systems of celebrities or musicians but I never saw any others profiled.
I guess they need the commercial to keep the viewer from looking at that ugly new Acura front end!
It's a Toyota amplifier.

Once the owner adjusts volume to a moderate level the control becomes inoperable and SPL increases continuously until the paint peels in your room.

Pulling the power cord has no effect.
The character in the Lexus (Acura) ad is clearly not an Audiogon regular... otherwise he would not be making all those pretentious and poorly informed statements about his hi fi gear. LOL