"QUESTION: how do the 2 different kilowatt Bel Canto amps differ? Don't they both use the B+O ASP module? Is there only a difference in input circuitry or the Zobel?"
ref1000 is stock Icepower module in a nice box.
ref1000m has additional input buffer and power supply circuits. If you open up the box, the 3 separate circuit boards/modules are clearly visible. It is dead quiet and most nonfatiguing.
I have read that ref1000m effectively addresses RF noise concerns in comparison to ref1000.
I have never owned or heard any other Bel Canto amp so I cannot offer an assessment of sound differences. From what I read however, others sem to concur that there are differences.
ref1000 is stock Icepower module in a nice box.
ref1000m has additional input buffer and power supply circuits. If you open up the box, the 3 separate circuit boards/modules are clearly visible. It is dead quiet and most nonfatiguing.
I have read that ref1000m effectively addresses RF noise concerns in comparison to ref1000.
I have never owned or heard any other Bel Canto amp so I cannot offer an assessment of sound differences. From what I read however, others sem to concur that there are differences.