Belles 22A users yet?

Have any of you listened to this new unit yet and compared it to your 21A Auricap?

You would be a strong candidate for the VT-01. It is a giant killer at $4700.
The thing I've noticed most with Belles' new generation of products (including his amps) is the absolute dead quiet background. This all contributes to more "space" between the instruments and better imaging.
I actually had a VT-01 in the house along with the new phono stage that has not yet been produced for market. I did like the VT-01 but did not find it greatly different from the 21A, though it had stock tubes and power cord. I think the case work in much nicer on the VT-01 and would consider it an upgrade, but not a huge one. I am wondering now about the LA-01 though am a little shy of stepping away from tubes for a pre-amp. I am also going to give the 5.5 II another try as I don't think the one I have is working as it should.
Based on Soundstage review, the VT-01 is equipped with 4 CV4003 Mullards tubes but I bet some neutral GE BP triple Micas 5814A or equivilant would really make it shine. The Mullards were ok but they were too rolled off when I had the Vandies 2 Ce Sig II.
Spent the last few days comparing my friends 22A against my 21A and can say without a doubt that the 21A is superior. The 22A has a small advantage in its ability to place instruments in a defined space but the images lack the size and depth of the 21A which is more musical with images that float behind the speakers as if it was the real thing.

I even put my best NOS tubes, fuses and power cord on the 22A and it still didn’t have the finesse of the 21A with Auricaps. I wonder if it’s the Auricaps that make instruments sound bigger with good ambiance and lifelike. I’m definitely keeping my 21A!

How would I rate them?
Bass: No difference to my ears
Midrange: 21A.
Soundstage and Imaging: 22A is a little more precise
Treble: 21A.
Overall : 21A is by far superior in sound quality and musicality.