New JJ Tesla tubes

Greetings, I'm seeking information regarding the sonic performance of the "New" JJ Tesla, Black Sable 12AX7 tubes, especially if you are using them in a McIntosh C2200 or C2300 preamp.

Any info on these tubes is greatly appreciated.

Bennett (aka:hififile)
Thank you for the information Teajay and Apachef1 and Undertow. These were recommended to me by a customer service rep at one of the big online Tube vendors. I wanted to do my research first and fellow A-goners usually have good advice.

Thanks again and keep the info coming. I will be interested to see if anybody had good results with the JJ Gold Pin Black Sables.

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I agree with the few who have said that the JJ 12ax7 don't sound very good. I much more enjoy both the early Siemens 12ax7(Ecc83) with the dual support on the getter and the infamous Mullard late 50's with the "D" getter. However, the new JJ EL84 power tube is very good in the right amp. There is more input on the tube asylum from other users of the JJ 12ax7:

Agree with Undertow on the new manufacture TungSol 12AX7s. Great tubes. Also their EL34s are what I am running in my Marshall Plexi 100W head and these provide that classic sound.