Van Alstine?

Any opinions on SS amps from past or present owners?
Any body criticizing,really hasnt a clue,which if i have to explain simply would be a waste of my time.
Kristian85 I know what you mean. Luckily in New York City I can walk into Best Buy and go directly to Sound by SInger, and you know what the systems in those stores sound exactly the same.

One can lead a hear to music, but one can't make it hear.

Deering, pretty silly and pointless analog, don't you think? Can you tell the class why that is so?

Again, you're still not able to come up with any valid reason why the golden-ears who partook in the Stereo Review test couldn't tell differences. You simply stating that you can is obviously invalid and sufficient only for self delusion.

Note how the golden ears in sighted testing noted all sorts of major differences, using typical audiophile gobbledigook, and once unsighted, they completely lost it. I LOVE that aspect of the test.
Tried an Insight 440H and was disappointed with the SQ.

Returned it for a refund.

Can you give me a list or several pairs of currently manufactured amps that measure the same. I'd like to see if I can set something up. Or is this just some airey-fairey postur? If it's true it can be repeated.