biamping question

sorry, i accidently posted this under speakers. I have a pair of vtl mb 125 mono blocks at 125 per channel, i have ascendo c7 speakers which are power hungry at 87 db. i want to biamp, but am at a loss as to which amp to use with the vtls. Should i get another pair of vtl 125? or should i go ssolid state with more power for the bottom end and use the vtls for the mids and highs. Any input would be much appreciated
If you want a biamped system why do it in a piecemeal fashion where you have to ensure that the gains are correct and either insert your own filters or feed full range signals to the speaker inputs. Instead, buy an active speaker where the gain is set, there is an appropriate power availability for each driver, the signal is properly bandlimited at the amplifier, and the system was designed as an integrated whole. Then you will end up with the full benefits of separate amplifiers. Otherwise you either have to invest an enormous amount of time designing and testing the system to arrive at system in which you will have any assurance of accurate performance.
thanks to all .. the information really has helped me decide what i will be doing
after all , i have decided to bi-amp, with the same amps that i have. i will wait for another pair of vtl 125 to come on for sale.. i underdstand that there may not be an increase in volume, but , if the sound quality is better, than its worth it!!!
if nayone know about a pair of 125 for sale , not to expensive, i would be interested
thanks again