Hello This Very high current design amplifier has over 60 amps on tap and the better the cord the more dynamics and ,detail and seperation you wll get .I am using after trying 5 highly regarded power cords over $1k
the Synergistic Research T3-HC it is actively shieldied
and uses high purity silver as well as Copper in seperate runs.
ALSO since their are 5-30 MM fuses all Time delay .the main 12A, and 4-8Amp on the circuit board The Hifi tuning Supreme fuses make a BIG improvement across the board
these fuses are all directional the main fuse arrow faces the front , the 4 on the board from the transformer face towards the back or direction arrow facing the capacitors
retail these are $90 a pop or $450 but the best moneys ever spent it transforms this to one clean sounding machine
Yes even better than stock ,But first make sure you have a power cord no less than $300 to truly do it justice.