120/240 V amp question

I am going to be moving soon and I was wondering what brands of amps can work well in either voltage scenario. Looking for an amp that can put out at least 150W per channel. I am thinking that most solid state amps can do this but not entirely sure. Bel cantos - i think?? Any other brands?
Not sure about your budget but presuming you have enough leeway, there is an AMR AM-77 out there that has your name on it!
The AM-77 automatically recognizes and optimizes incoming voltages in the ranges 90-135 volts and 190-260 volts and has 2x180W (FTC) at 4 and 8 Ώ. A hybrid integrated that is an amp "for life" from a sonic as well as a build quality perspective!

If your budget is $3,600 - $5,500, my recommendation is CEC-amp-6300 190-watts per channel. The CEC amp is $3,600 but it is just as good as Accuphase and Luxman.

Accuphase E450 180-watts per channel.

Luxman L507u, 200-watts per channel in 4 ohms.

Because these amps are going to be used in 120-volt 60-hz and 240-volt 50-hz it has to be a Japanese-version 100-volt 60-hz/50-hz unit. So that way, the amp won't have any issues operating in 240-volt 50-hz / 120-volt 60-hz with a Japanese-made multi-input transformer made by Swallow SU1500 multi-input transformer. This transformer costs $380 in Japan.

Lamm and some Rowland preamps are multi voltage, so you may want to check out their amps, assuming they are in your price range.