Gte357s - what head unit were you using before you tried an external DAC? And...which DAC, preamp and speakers are you talking about? Agree regarding the amp, I doubt I would be able to hear an audible improvement over my Rotel RB-1080 unless I spent 3x or 4x the money ($1500-$2000). Right now I have to get the pre-amp above the Rotel's level.
Although my Denon 3310 is doing pretty well in my little office. I took down the home theater system and moved it into my office, renovating the living room.
There is a small but insistent contingent of A'gonr's that insist on spending the big $$$ on the head unit first...But how much fun is that?!?
Although my Denon 3310 is doing pretty well in my little office. I took down the home theater system and moved it into my office, renovating the living room.
There is a small but insistent contingent of A'gonr's that insist on spending the big $$$ on the head unit first...But how much fun is that?!?