Spectron vs Parasound vs Cary vs ?

I need help deciding on my next move for a 2 channel amp. I will be powering my B&W 802D speakers thru a Cary SLP03 tube preamp. I am currently using a Cary cinema 7B amp as I prefer it sound to the Krell 400Xi that I have been using. The Krell is too hard and etching on highs. The Cary offers a better balance and warmer sound without giving up any detail. I have also been considering the Cary Cinema 2 which is twice the ouput of the Cinema 7B @ 200W. I have been considering the Specton, Parasound A21 and perhaps a Pass amp. My budget is 4K, new or used.

Sources are Rega Planar 2 turntable, Oppo 83 SE, Rotel 1520 CD and Krell KID.

I drive my B&W 802D by Spectron and very happy. Its much better then Parasound A21. Pass has many models and XA 0.5 series has excellent amplifiers - probably exceeding your budget...

Get amplifier of your interest into your system for a few days at least and listen.
The Spectron has a good reputation and it seems many use it to power the 802's. With a 30 day trial period its going to be pretty hard to beat. I wanted to explore some other options as I hope this will be my last upgrade for a while (one can only hope!)
another (VERY) satisfied spectron owner here... excellent amp. to my ears, it just does everything right. i just got mine back from having it annodized black - looks as good as it sounds now!