Dehavilland 50A has anyone purchased one?

I see there have been a couple of previous posts regarding the 50A or hearing it at the last RMAF, but has anyone actually purchased the 50A? Any thoughts?

I've talked to Kara about the Aries 845, but due to my rather large listening room she suggested that the 50A has a little more authority in the bass and mid-bass and is equally as sweet. I don't know, there's really something special about those 845 tubes.

Thanks for an opinions or insights...

I think you would much prefer the 50A's, not just because of their bass but the entire range. Very rich and textured with single ended type voices and instruments and sound stage and focus and natural sound and no grain and no glare and non fatiguing and ...........
Thanks for the advice Sounds_real_audio. The 50A is more rich and textured than the Aries 845? Wow that's saying a lot.

Other than a 50A sighting at RMAF there really has been an adequate review of this amp.
I have heard both the 845 and 50a. In fact, a pair of 50a's (from Sounds Real) spent three weeks in my system. I absolutely love the 50a, best midrange I have ever heard. Very good bass control for such a low powered amp. Amazing soundstage both in terms of width and especially depth. 3-d imaging. Very natural musical sound. Pure joy to listen to.

After agonizing over the decision, I did not purchase the amps. I love them and may end up with them at some point in time. However, they were just not quite up to powering my Aerial Model 9s, which require a ton of juice (i.e. 4 bass drivers). For the 50a's to really make sense, I would need to get new speakers and was not quite up for that. The fact that the 50a's came close to matching with the Aerials is a real testament to the amps.

As to reviews, there is a copy of one on the DH site.