Unsound - Feedback in Icepower amps is called Multivariable because it consists of two feedbacks controling voltage and time.
I suspect that feedback in class D is less evil for few reasons:
Amp cannot become unstable (oscillate) since it is already oscillating.
Response can be very fast limited only by Mosfet's max current and resistance (sort of Hysteretic converter)
Voltage feedback is shallow because duty cycle is more linear than transistor characteristic(less feedback required) and also because "time feedback" already corrected most of nonlinearities. I suspect that voltage feedback is helping to deal with load regulation. Early class D amps (Tact) had no voltage feedback at all and were sensitive to load conditions.
Momentary saturation of output stage (charge trapped at the junction) that happens in bad cases of class AB is irrelevant since time (duty cycle) and not the voltage is analog quantity.