Amp for Coincident Super Eclipse

I recently bought a pair of these speakers used, and in the process of a move, my amp has disappeared..

So I'm looking for a replacement - I'm using a Joule Electra preamp, and am considering a Moscode 401HR, 300B monos, or even a Threshold T-400 (overkill perhaps but I like the idea of power in reserve).

Any experience or thoughts on the best pairing(s)?
FWIW a 'high current' amplifier will not benefit you with Coincidents in general, as they tend to have higher impedances, which favor tubes. I think the lowest impedance of any of the models is 8 ohms, and some are 14. So the 'high current' aspect of transistor amplifiers is never invoked.

IME its a good idea to have some power on any of the Coincidents. You may think you are doing well with 7 watts, but when you hear what a clean 60 watts can do you might re-think that.

Israel's speakers favor tube amps and especially those that are zero feedback.
Atmasphere is right regarding ss amps with the Coincident speakers, they can/will sound good but with a quality tube amp good is elevated to a range of very good/great. I`m a long term owner of the Coincident Total Eclipse and have gotten fine sound using a top notch 100 watt push pull amp(Bella Extreme V-cap mono blocks by Bill Baker).I will tell you based on numerous and extended comparisions that the Frankenstein Mark2 amp is superior and drove the Total Eclipse superbly with ONLY 8 watts per channel. More power does`nt always equal better sound.Westborn I hope you get an opprotunity to hear this marvelous amp with your Super Eclipse speakers.
Pay attention to Atmasphere's(Ralph's) reply.

Ralph's amps would be a great candidate for pairing off with Israel's speakers!
Atmasphere is right regarding ss amps with the Coincident speakers, they can/will sound good but with a quality tube amp good is elevated to a range of very good/great.

SS amps can/will sound good?...not necessarily IMO, nor necessarily will any tube amp be ideal IMO. When I spoke with him a few years ago Israel told me he used several different amps, to voice his speakers, including his own, of course. Regardless, I'm sure users will find there are those that do not pair off as well as others, and certainly did not mean to suggest that high-powered SS is the way to go - it's simply what I chose and what sounded best for me (my music, my room, my ears). The two that worked really well to my ears were the KWA150's I use, and the Ayre VX5e. Both are outstanding with the SE III's in every respect, and I would not hesitate recommending either (and I normally prefer tubes, or have for over ten years). My direct experience is relatively limited; I've only tried a few amps over the two years I've had my SEIII's, of the tube amps there were Quicksilver 300B SET's and Mini-Mites, VTL450's, and Cary SLA-70's. SS amps I've tried have been the Ayre V5XE, Bel Canto 1000's, Odyssey Stratos Dual Mono, and Modwright KWA150's. Of all of those, including the tube options, the Ayre and Modwright were my personal favorite combination, followed closely by the 300B's. None of the other combinations floated my boat quite the same. The best advice I can think to give is try them out yourself and see what works for you. Clearly no one can tell you what you will actually prefer when you put these speakers into your system in your room, and listen to your music with your own set of personal preferences. My experience has been that the speakers are very versatile and can work well with a wide variety of amps.