Good amps for Thiel CS 3.7 speakers?

Today, I ordered a pair of Thiel CS 3.7 speakers. I auditioned a few speakers in this price range. IMO, 3.7 are the best among them. The dealer used Bryston set up to drive them: BCD-1 CD player, BP 26 preamp, 4B SST2 power amp. I think Bryston drives these speakers extremely well. However, the sound is too analytical for my taste. I prefer a little bit warmer and more musical sound. Due to my limited budget, I won't consider luxurious pre/power amps. Right now, I am considering Accuphase E-450, which carrys a good reputation, and considered quite musical. Its output is 260W×2(4Ω)、180W×2(8Ω). I think it should be able to drive 3.7 well. In addition, I would use Ayre C-7xe as CD player. Can you please comment on the my proposed amp and CD player? or can you give me some advice about amp, CD player, and cable in similar price range? Thank you in advance!
Congrats on your purchase!! I like Thiels a lot, and although I have not heard the 3.7, they must be awesome.

I came close to buying CS2.4 and was digging for info on amps too. Bryston is generally liked with Thiels. I demoed the 2.4 with an Ayre amp (can't remember the model) and liked the sound a lot. If Bryston is too analytical, maybe McIntosh might suit you. I think 260W might not be enough for those speakers.

Congrats again!
Thanks for your response. I am considering to use Bryston BP 26+14 BSST2 to drive them. This amp has 800w output at 4 ohm. I think it should be able to feed them well. I would use Ayre CX-7eMP as CD player. Are they good match for 3.7?