Good amps for Thiel CS 3.7 speakers?

Today, I ordered a pair of Thiel CS 3.7 speakers. I auditioned a few speakers in this price range. IMO, 3.7 are the best among them. The dealer used Bryston set up to drive them: BCD-1 CD player, BP 26 preamp, 4B SST2 power amp. I think Bryston drives these speakers extremely well. However, the sound is too analytical for my taste. I prefer a little bit warmer and more musical sound. Due to my limited budget, I won't consider luxurious pre/power amps. Right now, I am considering Accuphase E-450, which carrys a good reputation, and considered quite musical. Its output is 260W×2(4Ω)、180W×2(8Ω). I think it should be able to drive 3.7 well. In addition, I would use Ayre C-7xe as CD player. Can you please comment on the my proposed amp and CD player? or can you give me some advice about amp, CD player, and cable in similar price range? Thank you in advance!
AT most of the shows I've attended Thiels were used alot with Classe Amps and MIT speaker cables. Thats what I use and am very happy with the combo!
Thiel CS 3.7 speakers are very power hungry speakers. If you don;t like Bryston somewhat clinical presentation I would suggest you to investigate Spectrom Musician III amp. Not only very powerful but very musical as well and many, me including, compares it with good tube amplifiers.
Test it in your system - they provide home trials, so nothing to loose.
I have heard (and owned 7.2s) several Thiels including the 3.7s with all Ayre systems and thought they were nice. But if I was looking to warm them up I would move to BAT, both preamp(tube) and amp (SS) with them.
I'm running the 3.7 with the Ayre V1x and love love the combo. The result is so much relaxed and composed when you have a good current driving the Thiels.