To Gundam91:
While I know my cat has had a fancy or two to try to walk across my computer keyboard, she's yet to master the skill of typing.
From what I was told by both my salesperson and the tech guy who talked to him, the cat urine is what did the unit in. And the time from when the cat had sat on the unit to the time (and I saw her and shooed her off) and the amp coughing up black smoke was barely a few minutes.
Understanding the costs associated with getting Levinson gear fixed, and the times associated with that, I've come to the sad conclusion that I could have invested $2,600 to $4,000 to fix the 333, only for some other issue, even non-cat related to require another hefty bill to be paid.
That's why in part I've come very close to a sad acceptance that the next main amp in my system will not be a Levinson.
It troubles me to hear about the recalibration of the unit that ended up costing you $1,800. But from the horror stories I've read in many places at how Levinson service has degraded to, I'm in some ways not surprised.
I'm confident that had I had the work done by Levinson and had it sent to them, I'd be looking at a number closer to $4,000, as it's the whole board (at a cost of at least $1,600) and not "just" capacitors that needed replacing.
I'd have my doubts about the unit being under warranty, at its age, especially with from what I've been told was the cause, that's certainly not covered.
The tech that would have repaired it works in conjunction with a store that had been a Levinson dealer, but with so many issues, has dropped the brand, but will continue to try to service the brand in some fashion that's better than the aggravations that exist when sending it directly to Levinson.
And while I was leaning strongly toward getting another 333, I've come to the conclusion as you so rightly say, "If you buy another one, you never know when the caps will blow up and cost you more money to fix."
In my having tested the Classe CA-2200, and done some research on the brand, the horror stories that have so colored my view of Levinson don't seem to be the case with Classe.
While your suggestion of the Pass X350.5 sounds like a good amp, I was having trouble with the idea of spending $9K on two pieces (the Classe AND a set of Prodigys I was thinking would replace my Apogees), when the Pass by itself runs that cost.
When I get that next bonus check, I might consider such an option, but for right now, spending slightly more than $4K on the CA-2200 will be enough of a punch to the chest, er, wallet.