Cary 805s or Atma Sphere M60s?

Currently have a pair of 805s with an SLP-05 preamp, and 91db Vienna Acoustic speakers with silk tweeters coupled with anti-cable autoformers (all SET amps should have these autoformers-do yourself a favor and try them out). Thinking about an OTL amp. Are they everything they're cracked up to be, or what about push-pull amps? I'm just like you guys I love tube sound, dynamics, soundstage, richness, air, and detail. Is one configuration outstanding above another? I want to hear your thoughts and experience.

For my taste, no amp has sounded better with my Merlin VSMs than the M60s, I even preferred to my CAT JL2s which I thought I would never replace and if I had a more difficult speaker to drive I might well have kept them. I don't focus to much on "warmth", what I hear with the OTLs is a sense of presence to the musicians that sounds more real than other amps I have tried - it is uncanny, and particular to OTLs (I think).
Dennis Had ( Cary) 805's are fantastic amplifiers, highly recommended .

That is a good thing:) Might be part of what is special about SETs as well.
I agree with Xronx opinion regarding some OTL amps, They certainly do have their good points, but ultimately come off on the thin and lean side of reality. I listen to live un amplified jazz quite often, and in my experience a very good SET amp gets closer to the true natural sound of instruments and the human voice. There`s an undeniable fullness and organic bloom/warmth the live music presents that seems watered down, at least with some OTLs(the diet coke version).SETs preserve more of the fundamental tone as well as the beautiful overtones present with acoustic instruments, at least to me.

I have`nt heard the Tenor OTL, just the Atmasphere models. I understand in theory, removing the output transformer should be an advantage, however SETs with good transformers just sound more real.
Best Regards,