Plinius 8200 vs. 9100 -Which one?

I'm looking to buy a warm SS integrated amp and have wanted the Plinius for some time now, but never took the plunge. I'm looking at the lower end of their products or older discontinued.

Which is the better sounding amp of these two? The older higher powered 8200 or the newer lowered powered 9100 integrated? (I have 4 ohm, 87db speakers in a 18'-22' room in a lively minimalist room w/ hardwood floors.)

Furthermore, does someone know what is the difference between the 8200 mki vs. mkii, and is there a sonic difference?

Thanks fellow A'goners
I had the 9200 since it was introduced in 2003, sonically my impression (and some others) is that the 9100 is similar in competency. The 9200 was significantly superior to the 8200Mk1 I used to own, so i'm guessing the 9100 will be a solid step up from an 8200Mk1. Not sure of the M2 though. HTH.
Your AU-717 is a fine integrated. I don't think your system will get much of a lift by spending money on another integrated amp. I've owned the 8200 MKII... it's a good, warm sounding int. amp, but lacks transparency. Consider putting your money into better speakers.
Thanks Pdreher,
Interesting that the Plinius lacks transparency. I would have not thought that to be the case, though in our lively minimalist room we have to be careful of a high res system. Incidentally the Dynaco are fine speakers and better than many other vintage speakers. It is funny, I have TT based audiophile tube system in a spare room that I don't use that often, and to tell you the truth, I enjoy using this one more and enjoy the lack of pretense it has. I wouldn't mind a remote and that was my interest in the Plinius, but I can easily do w/o a remote. Thanks for your input.