Tube Audio Design HIbachi-II amps with Maggie 1.6?

Has anyone had experience with Tube Audio Design's Hibachi-II 200W amps with Magnaplanar 1.6's? Paul G, the designer/builder says they work great. What do you think?
My 1.6's sound best with a hot-rodded Hafler 500 putting out a measured 549RMS at 4 ohms !
Hibachi I/II put out around 220w into 4 ohms. They are nice solid amps as I use a pair to drive a pair of PMC OB1's. Paul is a stand up guy and his gear is top notch. If you're looking at the pair for sale on the forums for $550 shipped they are a steal at that price (so much so I was thinking of purchasing them for bi-amping). Seriously, you'd have to spend $1k to get the same level of performance. As with all of Paul's designs, the cost to value ratio is through the roof.

BTW I also own his PreDAC and have owned 2 of the TAD-150 Signature preamps he used to sell. The 150 Sig being a phenomenal value as well.