biamping with a arc 150.2 and vtl mb125

Hi, guys,
i own a pair of vtl mb125 mono blocks. i wanted to bi-amp using tthe vtls for mids and highs and the arc 150.2 for the bottom end only. my speakers are 88db efficiency, so they suck power.. i am afraid of the input sensitivity between the amps. since i will be using the 150.2 for bass only, will the sound be cohesive?? am i doing the right thing. i cannot sell my vtls, i will not give them away, so i was wondering how this match would work..any help,please??
The output won't always be even between the amps. You may have too much bass when quiet listening and too little bass at high volumes or the reverse. You really should have matching amps to do this (it can't hurt to try).
i wish i had the option op trying it first, i do not.. so i am hoping to get feedback before i make a mistake
Hi Sy,

I recall from your other thread a couple of months ago that you are using Ascendo C7 speakers. I wasn't able to find detailed information about their impedance vs. frequency characteristics, just that they have a nominal impedance rating of 6 ohms.

The VTL amp has a specified output impedance of 1.6 ohms, which is high to the extent that I would expect its sonic character to vary significantly as a function of the impedance vs. frequency characteristics of the particular speaker. Therefore I don't think it is possible to predict how well its sonic character will match that of the ARC amp without experience using those amps on your particular speakers.

Also, according to my calculations there is likely to be a gain mismatch of a few db between the two amps, in the direction of the gain of the VTL's being greater. Especially if they are used in the higher powered tetrode mode.

Best regards,
-- Al
thanks al. i was told by arc that if i used balanced cables for the arc and rcas for the vtls the power would be closer.. am i wrong on that?