Amp recommendations for Revel Salon2

Just recently purchased a pair of Salon2's. I've been very happy with these speakers but I know they can sound better with better electronics.

At this point, I'm using Oppo 83SE (CD/BR), Anthem AVM30 (Pre-pro) and MCA 50 (225 w/ch X 5). My plan is to upgrade the amp first and subsequently the pre-pro.

I'm considering the following and, frankly, open to suggestions:

- Audio Research DSI 450
- McIntosh 402 or 303
- Parasound Halo
- Classe

I use the system 70/30 music to video. Therefore, my top priority is musicality.

Appreciate comments/recommendations.

Auxetophone -

Thanks for your comments. I did hear the Salon's with the Ayre at my dealer. The entire setup was Ayre - CD/Pre/Amp. The Salon's sounded better than they do with my Anthem - more detail and more bottom. However, they did not have enough "juice" to drive them to reasonable loud levels (not suggesting ear shattering).

You should really listen to an Autoformer coupled McIntosh before you adopt the belief that Autoformers are a waste of weight and money.
I run a pair of ML 334s, in vertical bi-amp configuration.

I have heard more than one solid state McIntosh amp, and they both sounded fine. I'm not a good one for hearing differences between high-end amps, perhaps because I don't believe there is much in the way of audible differences. My bias against the autoformers is only that I believe investing in robust power supply and output stages results in a better amp for many modern multi-driver, passive crossover speakers with low impedance dips than investing in a big hulking matching transformer. If you like McIntoshs, cool.
I used McIntosh MC501 monoblocks with very good result and would enthusiastically recommend the pairing. . YMMV.
I am using Lamm M2.2 monoblocks with excellent results. these speakers are extremely revealing and very neutral. You are basically hearing the amps more than the speakers. So choosing proper amps is very critical.