Like virtually all other high-powered amps, Bryston amps use feedback to stabilize the circuit. While they are reasonably clean-sounding and solidly constructed, the feedback and all of the output devices required to achieve high wattage make for a less-resolved, uninvolving sound compared to lower powered, no-global-feedback designs like darTZeel and Ayre (I'm not singling out Bryston - the same is true for Krell, ARC, etc.).
In any event, the vintage of Levinson you own is the better sounding amp - unless you are concerned about reliability, Bryston would be a step backwards. It you want a high-powered amp that sounds decent and will drive Maggies, I'd look at Parasound JC-1's.
PS - I ran a 4B-ST for five years.
In any event, the vintage of Levinson you own is the better sounding amp - unless you are concerned about reliability, Bryston would be a step backwards. It you want a high-powered amp that sounds decent and will drive Maggies, I'd look at Parasound JC-1's.
PS - I ran a 4B-ST for five years.