Digital Amps vs Solid State Amps

Has any one compared a fully broken in, quality digital (class D) amp to a solid state (class A) amp. We have a Levinson 333.5. Other than light weight, less electrical draw, and cooler operation, will Class D amps out-perform Amps similar to to the 333.5? We are driving Thiel 3.6's.

Frequency extension, depth, holographics, bass control, treble control, slam, dynamics, staging, detail, mids, etc are it.
I've compared a W4S amp and integrated to a couple of Pass class A designs and would agree that it comes down to personal preference. In my case I preferred W4S, but not by a wide margin.
Are there class C amps?
Yes, but they are not used in audio:

Also, re "Digital Amps vs Solid State Amps," I'm not sure it's clear that "solid state" has nothing to do with amplifier class. It means that the amp uses transistors, as opposed to tubes. I don't think there are any Class D amps that are NOT solid state.

Also, a true "digital amp," such as the TacT's, has a digital input and a signal path that is entirely digital until d/a conversion is performed, at a point in the signal path that is very close to the amp's output. See

-- Al
Thanks, Al, I was just getting back to this and you'd covered it.

I think the first 'd' amps were years ago, before SS. So they must have been tube.
This is just a comment related to your current speakers, the 3.6s need alot of power and Class A power cost alot of $$$. From a pure finacial point of view, I think you will find it easier to find good sounding Class D at a lower price, but not sure I would not go A/B if I wasn't going to use Class A SS.
I think the combinations of Thiel and Digital amps is an audio disaster waiting to happen.While the Thiels are amongst the most accurate loudspeakers around,the sound tend to be bright .I have found the old Class A Mark Levinsons to be amongst the best mate for Thiels speakers.

Class D amps are not for me.They are just too mechanical and they tend to strip the music out of its soul.Class D amp is a compromised design,in a big way,and i do not think at the moment ,anyone has figured out how to solve the problems of noise it generates.It is not something that I enjoy listening for a long time,i develop listeners fatigue quite easily with classs D amp.If you must get a class D amp ,gop with Spectron.This is the only class d amp that I could listen for more than a week