Pioneer House Sound from the 70s

For those of you who know the pioneer house sound of the 70s, what current amps/integrateds are closest to that sound (mainly of the receivers/integrateds of the late 70s)? I've got a friend who says he's found it in cambridge audio (no insult or compliment intended) but I don't hear it. What say you????
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Mmmmn...the cambridge would be more of a modern sound...the old Pioneer stuff has a romantic, slightly "fuzzy" sound...everything sounds good enough...but everything sounds the same...which is good if you enjoy less than audiophile recordings...its a very forgiving type of sound...with the bass being of bit "wooly" for my taste...that being said...the tuners are far as something contemporary...why bother? Pioneers from 70s were built extremely well...
Comparing apples and oranges.All depends on speakers and even then its impossible.Agree with Polk432 with the exception that their were many more nights than days.YMMV,Bob