Pioneer House Sound from the 70s

For those of you who know the pioneer house sound of the 70s, what current amps/integrateds are closest to that sound (mainly of the receivers/integrateds of the late 70s)? I've got a friend who says he's found it in cambridge audio (no insult or compliment intended) but I don't hear it. What say you????
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This was the period of the great distortion race, when everyone wanted to add another zero to their distortion figures using massive amounts of feedback. Measured great , sound? not so much. I would think that any of the Musical Fidelity integrated amps would have all of the virtues of the Pioneer sound and none of the drawbacks. I had several pieces of Pioneer in those days, 1280 receiver, 9500 amp and others.
You can't get there from here.

Of the '70s Pioneer receivers the SX-1010 was my favorite and matched with a pair of Pioneer's top of the line speakers like CS-99s the sound is quite remarkable.

I can't think of anything made today that would duplicate that sound.
Hey Rrog,

I have an old Pioneer SX-939 powering a pair of VMPS RM2 speakers right now and I find the sound unexpectedly good. The bass is tight and deep, dynamics are surprisingly potent and the sound is detailed and fast yet easy on the ears.

Truth be told, I tried using the Pioneer's preamp outputs feeding a more powerful well-respected modern power amp. I didn't like the result and went back to using the Pioneer in stock form. That's how good the internal amp is...

May I ask what the special appeal of the "Pioneer sound" in the 70's is?

I sold Pioneer and other brands back then. The Pioneers were the Toyota's or Honda's of the time. Solid performers but nothing special Toyota's and Honda's have come a long way. So has audio.

How about Pioneer Elite for a modern equivalent maybe?

BTW I love my Pioneer Plasma TV!