What good tube preamp match for hafler 220 amp?

2nd system set up cambrigde cd player,paradigm mk11 speakers acurus L10 preamp&hafler220amp.Also pair up with acurus a-150 amp but like the sound better from the hafler.My taste from smooth jazz to classic rock Thx Pete215
When I had a Hafler DH-220 it was paired with a stock McCormack TLC-1. It was a very sweet sounding combination that I liked very much. I don't know if budget is a factor but the cost of a used TLC-1 is probably more than double the cost of a used stock Hafler DH-220 right now.
Thanks for your suggestions.I do have a Quicksilver L/S mated to a McCormack modded .05 amp with a Rega apollo.The Q/S was modded by RHBdezigns.The sound is divine and has converted me to tube sound,therefor wanting tube warmth sound in 2nd system.Thx
Looking for warmth but less money than the modded QS L/S? Maybe a used stock QS L/S, used C-J tubed pre, used Cary or Rogue also might do the trick. For a new preamp, not used, the tube preamps from Vincent are affordable and well reviewed. As long as you don't need a balance control, they are worth trying. You can get them from some of the mail order houses with a return option, IIRC.