CV181-z's Black Treasures in Cary SLP-05?

I am running the above with great success in a Modwright Transporter. Now I am wondering, if I could also use them in my Cary SLP-05.

Does anybody have any information on this or tried it?

A recent TNT article highlights the difference and hence I am hesitant just dropping them in.

"This is why the CV181Z might not be a drop in replacement for the 6SN7. Typical 6SN7 heaters draw about 0.6A and the CV181z draws about 0.9A (900mA), the old Mullard CV181 drew 950mA. This 50% increase in heater current amounts to 0.6A for a pair of CV181 in a circuit, which as you can see represents the load of a whole extra double triode."

Thanks, after more research I also figured out that you are right about the specs and the tube size. I tried my current pair in the Cary and the base of these tubes is too big for the holes in the chassis top. and doesn't fit, unfortunately.
Deutsch - I was thinking about these tubes for my SLP-05 when I need replacements. Thanks for being the guinea pig and trying them - I would not have thought that they wouldn't fit through the holes in the case. You've savd me some future money.
Thank you, "letsmakeadeal" for your info regarding the CV-181Z. I have the originals and was wondering if the new "Z" issue was the real deal or not.

Having seen both, are the plates that much alike? Or is it just a 6SN7 plate in an ST style glass?