I need a lower gain 12au7 for Mastersound

I recently purchased a Mastersound Due Venti. It has 2 JJ ecc82 gold pins in the preamp. I find them to be a little high gain for my tastes. They do sound quite nice though don't get me wrong.

Could anyone recommend a 12au7 or variant that naturally has less gain than the JJ but still retains quite a lot of detail and low noise? New or NOS, doesn't matter to me.

Any responses or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Or if anyone has a Due Venti maybe they could let me know what preamp tubes they prefer?

I'm running it with a pair of La Scala's, they're just a little too efficient maybe...

Thanks for your time!!
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"A simple solution to the gain issue is to use an attenuator between your CD player and the input of the Mastersound"

Yes thank you. That's not the problem though. I unplug all my accessories. Just the amp and speakers hooked up, thats all, and the hiss is still there.

It doesn't change at all when I turn the volume knob all the way up, no feedback noise(as per the amp specs!) just the same steady low hiss.

I'm just guessing now that it's that the La Scala's are too efficient, even at idle they'll have a small hiss with this amp.

I'm also guessing that swapping tubes isn't gonna change anything from the posts I'm getting here.

Oh, well. It sounds Excellent at higher volumes! I will have to just ignore this one issue that my new amp has introduced to my system.

The zero negative feedback still really blows me away....

The 5963 is a good substitute for 12au7. It has a plate voltage of 250; while the 12au7 has a plate voltage of 330.
I hope that helps.
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I'm Sorry for asking the wrong question.

I want my amp to be less noisy in the hiss department.

Where can I find tubes that are selected for low noise?

Do you think that it could be that the EL34 power tubes are too noisy as well, or probably just the preamp tubes?

In my current setup I'm running 2 JJ ECC82 Gold pin tubes for the preamp, and 4 SED Winged C EL34's in the power end, on a Mastersound Due Venti through Klipsch La Scala's.

If I can find some low noise tubes, is there any particular brand or model that someone with a similar set up would recommend?

Thanks to anyone that can help......