I need a lower gain 12au7 for Mastersound

I recently purchased a Mastersound Due Venti. It has 2 JJ ecc82 gold pins in the preamp. I find them to be a little high gain for my tastes. They do sound quite nice though don't get me wrong.

Could anyone recommend a 12au7 or variant that naturally has less gain than the JJ but still retains quite a lot of detail and low noise? New or NOS, doesn't matter to me.

Any responses or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Or if anyone has a Due Venti maybe they could let me know what preamp tubes they prefer?

I'm running it with a pair of La Scala's, they're just a little too efficient maybe...

Thanks for your time!!
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I believe RFT is what came with my Mastersound amp. Although my amp used different tubes.
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A friend lent me a 300 BPSE I think it was (24 watt 300b) and it was such a beautiful amplifier. I don't remember anything but a black quiet noise floor and beautiful blooming music with that amp.

Is it something you notice during playback or is it something that bothers you in some other way? I second the Andy rec but just take your time waiting as order to ship time is s l o w.

On another note I've heard the Trienta with all Valhalla and a Thor conditioner and it was extremely clean and clear with stock tubes. In other words maybe look at something other than tubes??? Cell phone near by, modem, lighting, computer plugged into same breaker, etc..??
