Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?

Obviously, there is a big price difference between the two(not as big used). But, these two are likely to be in the top of the true balanced, fully differential, reference preamps available.

I'm mostly interested in the sonic differences anyone would have noticed switching between the two in their own system.
"Maybe Victor's business partner can provide a view on the MP-1. This thread seems to be heavily biased towards the BAT..."

Hello Rob,

Besides BAT making some of (IMO) best sounding components your money can buy they also set the example of class and professionalism. I've never once seen Victor or the other principals of BAT use a public forum for self promotion.

If Victor responds to a thread about BAT equipment it is always factual and technical, and its intent is meant to be truly helpful. No subjective opinion on he feels his components sound, especially compared to his competitors.

My apologies if this too far off from the original subject matter.

I love that BAT owners love their BAT gear, and the discussion
of the technical issues and contributions by both Victor and
Ralph have been marvelous to read, but I still see no comment
by anyone who has listened to both the BAT Rex and the Atma-
Sphere MP-1. For my part, I've only listened to the Atma-
Sphere MP-1 and the BAT VK-51SE, and not in the same systems.

Can anyone address the original question?
I know MP-1 well in my own system into modded BAT VK75SE and Merlins, and at CES heard BAT Rex preamp into BAT Rex monoblocks and Wilson Shashas. A minor case of penis envy.
Maril555, my MP-1 is a modded MkII that replaced a BAT VK5i and VKP10. The main thing about Atma is the sense of wide open bandwidth and agility, as compared to the mellower & prettier sound of BAT. However at CES BAT REX components were fast on their feet, effortless, yet a bit fuller in embodiment than I hear at home. Of several exhibits this was the only one that had convincing synergy with Shashas. In other contexts at THE Show I heard MP-1 Mk III sound remarkable with Classic Audio Reproduction field coils and VPMS. It's a close horse race.