Audio Research Preamp Experts?

Aside the from the notion that the latest is the greatest, which 3-4 ARC preamps from the past would be among ARCs best linestages? From the 3A forward. I don't care about phono performance, though I will consider the preamp even if it has phono built into it. Any sleepers from the past to compete with today's linestages?
Key words, "good for the money". That's like saying its in great condition for its age.

I just noticed the high asking prices on SP-11 MKII preamps. If these are merely asking prices and not an indication of actual price the SP-11 is still a solid recommendation, but I would think long and hard before spending $5,000 on a 25 year old preamp that will soon cost you a fortune in maintenance.
The solid state LS-10 is a killer preamp. It is almost never for sale here on the 'Gon. The blackest background I've ever heard. So quiet it's scary.
low/absent noise level with sp-16 is similar. I did not think tubes could be that quiet.

When there is even a minor tube issue though, you here it. My sp16 developed a very low level whine when I first hooked up the BC monoblocks. I thought it was the new amps at first. Shuffling the 6 12AX7's internally eventually eliminated the issue somehow. Back to dead silence ever since.
I don't get the fortune in maintenance for the SP-11 MkII. I recently had mine completely serviced by ARC authorized tech (High End Audio Repair in Brooklyn) and it was very reasonable even if I did supply the NOS tubes (Telefunken CCA for phono and the rest Mullards). I did not know that they had become so expensive, though. Unless you upgrade so frequently that you don't keep a piece for long, maintenance is required for any gear (except my Kenwood tuner :-).